Conversation Between Phait and Superczar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
While I was thinking for some of Street Hawk when talking about the Daredevil, I was thinking of the wrong show, and it was actually a movie I was thinking of. And it was actually the Daredevil in the movie Trial of the Incredible Hulk. It's been so long for some reason I got the character from the movie confused with the other TV show. :o
LOL, didn't catch that...
01-06-2009 01:33 PM
Tourettes guy, duh
01-06-2009 06:30 AM
Bitch! I love you.
Saw your comment about selling off the game, that bad eh?
12-30-2008 10:58 AM
Not sure just started it. I'm not expecting a great game, but you know as long as I get to snipe I'm a happy guy. I'll get back to ya.
Is Sniper any good? Looks nice, but how is the gameplay?
LOL, phait got paid and now he is too rich for the likes of us!
Cool man, tho I usually don't get on since i am in Steamchat most of the time. :)