Conversation Between Boo Boo Juice and Damien_Azreal
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I just posted about it in the "what was the last game you played" thread. Some missions are way fun, some missions are absolutely annoying. I consider myself to be somewhat decent at first-person shooters. I mean, I am definitely better at games like street fighter, devil may cry and ninja gaiden, but I play enough FPS games to think that I am at least decent. Modern Warfare 1 and 2, however, are the only first person shooters where it feels like I just get lucky most of the time when I complete a task. I don't feel like I completed a task because I was playing well. I don't feel any sense of accomplishment when I finish a stage. I just feel like I completed a task because the game didn't zerg rush me for once. Doesn't help that the team AI is trash either.
How is Modern Warfare 2? I really want it, but can't afford it considering my wife and I just bought a house.
So... happy for the house. :D Sad for MW2. :(