Conversation Between diakonov and MagusElOscuro
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Hey, I saw the screenshots. Please, TELL ME when you release it! Brilliant. I always wanted to design Rott maps as these ones, but first I must draw a paper outline, so I can see the entire map I'm creating, and note ideas.
Hey, I saw you posted lotta screenshot capture. How do you do this in Rott? (cuz it's DOS, the screenshots doesn't work with the keyboard's button).
Plus I saw someone posted also the shot of Scott's mystical head.
The matter is, please can you get me a shot of El Oscuro (as his demon form: Snake Oscuro)? I mean the blue face, with the black hood, yellow eyes, eyeteeth, etc... I'm fascinated by this (my favorite ever) fictional character, and I'd love to have a few shots of his ghastly face. So I can put it as my avatar. You saw my nick. He he.
Well, hope you can help me. (if it's possible, only El Oscuro without background).
Hails and thanks.