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Conversation Between Scream and Joe Siegler
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Scream
    05-09-2009 07:54 AM
    Hey Joe,

    Just wanted to thank you for all your efforts over the years on these forums. In the time I've been visiting this place I turned both 30, and 40 (unbelievable how life whips by). It was one of the first places I bookmarked when first coming online with my first PC and my first (and last :)) free AOL 90-day trial. I've posted to a wide variety of online communities in that time, both gaming related and other, but this is the only one that ever made my shortcuts bar, and the only one that I've stuck with over the years. I truly believe that's a testament to how you laid it out, and how you managed it over the years. For me, visiting 3DRealms online stopped having anything to do with DNF a long time ago. It was the community that brought me back, pretty much daily. So, thanks again, and best wishes to you and your family.
  2. Joe Siegler
    08-19-2008 06:43 PM
    Joe Siegler
    Make sure you get the 30th anniversary edition of DSOTM. It's the SACD/Hybrid version.

    It's bloody fantastic, too.
  3. Scream
    08-19-2008 06:18 PM
    Thanks. :) You actually recommended that to me a while back. :) I ended up picking up "The Essential Dave Brubeck" based on your recommendation, and yeah, I like it. It has most of tracks from Take Five on it.

    Unfortunately I don't have anything at the moment that will play the 5.1 version. I'll probably end up with a PS3 at some point in the future, so will keep it in mind (along with Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, which I hear is excellent as well ;)).
  4. Joe Siegler
    08-19-2008 09:26 AM
    Joe Siegler
    Like Jazz, eh? Do you happen to have a SACD player, or a PS3 hooked up through a 5.1 (or greater) home theatre system? If you do, then you owe it to yourself to get this


    It's a Jazz classic on its own, but the SACD version through a home theatre system is just bloody fantastic!

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