Conversation Between Player Lin and Jinroh
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
I was said I play world of warcraft...and play DooM... hmm... so many games I can play but...... :p
Yeah, game playing is fun. Anything you're playing atm? I bought a dance pad for Stepmania, and working my way through Killer 7 and Izuna. ^_^
So I don't like talking about my Real-Life(TM) craps... :p
...I like play games and have fun from that... :)
Yes, Real Life does most of the time suck. Unless you're doing something fun like Cosplaying or something cool like that. ^_^
No, I'm not angry at all. Just slapping my self. :p
Whatever, Real-Life(TM) always sucks... :(
Don't mind me about slapping myself!
^_^ That's fine I didn't mean to pry or anything. I'm sorry if I offended you.
Ah...I don't like talking about my Real-Life(TM)... :p
Just a normal life at all... but something is wrong on me.
Whatever, that's just my problem... I still try to fix it...
Me too, it is making flight simulators for fighter pilots so that should be fun. -_^ Close to a game job. So how's your day been?
Sounds very good! Hope you'll enjoy your new job. :D
Yes, that's about the same here. Work until Friday and then a 3 Day weekend. Plus I'm getting a new job soon so I can finally get out of this awful one. ^_^