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Conversation Between Dopefish7590 and oak man
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 47
  1. Dopefish7590
    10-19-2009 05:20 PM
    Cool. :D
    It'll be nice to have you around again, man.
  2. oak man
    10-18-2009 01:54 PM
    oak man
    I'm not ignoring you haha, I've just been really busy with school and stuff. Getting ready for mid-terms and stuff. Working on new projects. Yeah, I'm gonna try to visit these forums more often. :)
  3. Dopefish7590
    10-01-2009 02:56 PM
    Yeah... I thought you were ignoring me or something. :p
    Sup man?
  4. oak man
    09-27-2009 01:44 AM
    oak man
    Long time no arf! ;)
  5. Dopefish7590
    05-28-2009 01:11 AM
    Did you get the E-Mail or did I mess up the address again? :o
  6. Dopefish7590
    05-21-2009 11:57 PM
    Sent, check your mail...
  7. Dopefish7590
    05-21-2009 10:03 PM
    Ah right, sorry, I typed that up on my phone so I didn't have a contact list. :o
  8. oak man
    05-20-2009 11:40 PM
    oak man
    Live? I use gmail/
  9. Dopefish7590
    05-20-2009 11:36 PM
    (Edited out) Right? (I said it that way to stop spambots from using it.)
  10. oak man
    05-20-2009 02:58 PM
    oak man
    Sure! I had no idea it was back!

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