Conversation Between Sang and ReadOnly
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
Not necessarily, but I don't feel like discussing it anymore TBH :)
It says (almost) nothing about quality, but it says something about the wide appeal.
Dunno, I don't know much about Transformers 2. It's just that the amount of money a movie brought up doesn't necessarily mean anything.
"That says nothing about the intended audience or quality, it just says something about how many people went to see it".
I don't think that we could argue about the fact that TF2 was indeed intended for a wide audience.
Well you make valid points and I respect your opinion.. But it'll never change mine ;)
Well, feel free not to answer then.
1. Ok.
2. Well... ok.
3. I actually find this pace mesmerizing. And I really like movie at least for that.
4. That's a bogus "problem". Movie is based on the script that is based on the novel. Plus, you haven't even read the novel. Why do you care if some things were ommited or not?
About discussing this movie. Pretty much, 1-3 reasons is valid enough(but I still don't understand the 1st one, but whatever). My main gripe is the 4th problem. And it's not this particular movie either. I find it really unfair that many people find differences with the novel as a problem with the movie itself. It's not. I understand why they think that, but still it's unfair to judge movie based on that.
Think what you want about GWPE, but here is my opinion. :)
No, the native language thing is not the main reason I don't like the movie (though it's a factor). I'm gonna list my reasons for disliking it short and quick here (I don't feel like discussing this for days on end):
- of course, everyone speaking perfect English
- Scarlett (Griet) having the same expression on her face for almost all of the movie
- Way too slow pace in almost every scene
- A lot of important parts from the novel seem to have been omitted (though I doubt their inclusion would have helped, I can only speculate)
There are probably some more things but whatever.
"Girl with a pearl earring"
Ok, so they should have made it in a native language or what?
Btw, it seems that this is the main reason you didn't like the movie. It could have been like [insert your favorite movie here] and you still wouldn't like it because of that.
It's actually strange that you're so sensitive about that if you're not english yourself. Though, being from Belgium might explain that since your country's main language is Dutch.
Btw, I haven't even seen this movie in original(english) language. But even if I had, it wouldn't changed my opinion about this movie to a negative one.