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Conversation Between ryche and Superczar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. ryche
    04-30-2009 05:26 PM
    LOL yeah, well that guy and his guild are all banned cause of whatever transpired.
  2. Superczar
    04-30-2009 04:56 PM
    Thanks man!

    That WoW article makes me want that armor. :(
    If someone from Blizz accidently gave him that armor, it's not his fault. He must have actually cheated somehow.
  3. ryche
    04-30-2009 03:37 PM
    Oh and Happy Birthday you old fart :)
  4. ryche
    04-30-2009 03:36 PM
    I know you'll laugh at this Mr. WoW man

  5. ryche
    04-22-2009 12:09 AM
    I just violated your profile. :)
  6. Superczar
    02-08-2009 03:10 AM
    Happy b-day man!
  7. ryche
    10-15-2008 04:39 PM
    I knew a Raiderette. We worked together when I lived at Travis AFB. I don't think she is one anymore. She was one during the 2006 and 2007 seasons for sure. She ended up (from what I've heard) getting fake boobs and too much plastic surgery in her face that she looks too done now. That's a shame too cause she was actually really pretty before all that.
  8. ryche
    09-24-2008 04:10 AM
    I like the avatar super...
  9. ryche
    06-23-2008 05:01 PM
    That's cool maybe later
  10. Superczar
    06-23-2008 04:56 PM
    Ah hell I'm getting ready to go eat man... :(

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