Conversation Between Damien_Azreal and TerminX
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 26
Hello there TX. How be things?
See you are all sorts of busy with the various Duke Nukem/eDuke32 projects going on. Pretty damn awesome how things have worked out.
You had a chance to play the DNF demo? Just sitting around, waiting for the full game.....
Yeah, kind of the same around here... my car died on me the other day on the way home from work and tons of people asked if I need a jump, a ride... help. It's nice.
While we still don't have the kid part yet, married life is great. :) I'm all with ya there. And definitely with ya on the house over apartment thing, when we closed on our house... I was so f*cking excited. :)
Glad everything is going good for ya man.
Things are pretty awesome here. Even though I live in the middle of nowhere and can barely even get broadband, I'm really enjoying the whole thing with being married and having a kid and living in a house versus an apartment in the ghetto, et cetera.
I love my life right now and there's really very little I'd change about it if given the chance. About the worst thing to happen to me in weeks was the flat tire I got the other day... and then about half a dozen people stopped at various points when changing it to see if I was alright and had everything I needed. People are actually nice here, and that's probably the biggest difference between this area and where I was at in California.
It's great.
Hey man, how be things in Arkansas?
Damn..... lightning sucks.
We lost power for a while the other day... some jackass drove into the electric pole down the street. :p
Oh shit son, oh shit.
Ugh, some lightning strike from hell knocked my power out for 12 hours yesterday.
That's close to me... I live in Kansas. I can drive to Arkansas in like... 45 minutes. o0
Arkansas. :/ Oh well, it's not too bad there.
Yeah, married life is pretty nice. :)
Congrats on the kid... awesome news. Where ya moving to?
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