Yes, not much for me either now that I'm alone again. :D
Actually I got a better job at Northrop Grumman Corp in Johnstown. They have me travel between Orlando and J-Town every few weeks for like 3 weeks at a time. So I'm not here most of the time now.
I've got about 4 months to go with this travel stuff, but I'm already exhausted lol. I need sleep. :D :D :D See I'm delerious. :)
Hey, thanks for the comforting words. They are greatly appreciated. Truthfully I'm ok. Still hurting a bit, but I am beginning to move on. We were just too different for her to take I think. So she wanted some guy of her own religion...
Yeah, it's crazy with all the stuff going on down by the ball park. It's hard to miss InRange though, no sign, no indicator of what it is, and it's in the little villa pretty deep down there.
Heh, I pass by the Casino all the time, never noticed that place TBH. My boss lives up where they are tearing down all the houses in front of the ballpark. :D
I work at InRange systems. In Altoona, by the Lakemont Casino. They're a small startup, but I'm really close to getting a job with Northrop Grumman in Johnstown. They had me out in L.A. interviewing last week so hopefully this week or next I'll get my offer letter.
DRS in Johnstown I worked there for my internship they're a Defense Contractor. There are a few others, but yeah, if you're trying to get a job it's hard as hell lol. When I was in L.A. everybody was looking for people. lol.
Oh, I'm about 20-30 minutes from ya. Where do you have a job around here doing firmware programming? Just about any sort of comp job is nearly impossible to find around here...