Player Lin
Last Activity: 02-21-2021 04:31 AM
Visitor Messages
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
Yeah, game playing is fun. Anything you're playing atm? I bought a dance pad for Stepmania, and working my way through Killer 7 and Izuna. ^_^
Yes, Real Life does most of the time suck. Unless you're doing something fun like Cosplaying or something cool like that. ^_^
^_^ That's fine I didn't mean to pry or anything. I'm sorry if I offended you.
Me too, it is making flight simulators for fighter pilots so that should be fun. -_^ Close to a game job. So how's your day been?
Yes, that's about the same here. Work until Friday and then a 3 Day weekend. Plus I'm getting a new job soon so I can finally get out of this awful one. ^_^
Thank you! ^_^ How have you been?
Happy Birthday! Hope you're day is awesome.
08-25-2008 06:02 AM
Happy birthday lin!
08-11-2008 09:00 AM
It doesn't hurt mine, you'll get used to it XD
I just stuck at World of Warcraft and some other games.
Damn... my time isn't enough...
I love RoTT, but lazy to play or mapping on it right now. :(
Maybe I will play that later...
About Me
It's my ROTT introduce site, easily structure.
Sorry, please don't care my poor "Grammar of English"... *faint*
Sadly, it died temporary due to I used my all of times on RealLife(TM) and playing Games! XD
*Player Lin escaped from the hell of making website.*
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General Information
Last Activity: 02-21-2021 04:31 AM
Join Date: 07-22-2004
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