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The Commander The Commander is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 83
  1. Duke's New Chainsaw
    03-04-2010 08:41 PM
    Duke's New Chainsaw
    You're an impostor! D:
  2. Duke's New Chainsaw
    12-27-2009 03:18 PM
    Duke's New Chainsaw
    I dunno. :(
  3. Mystery Man 129
    06-03-2009 08:05 PM
    Mystery Man 129
    happy birthday man
  4. Scourge
    05-06-2009 03:43 PM
    Listen up dude, I know how to use the Search option, I do nothing else but use Search... Have you got any idea how many topics there are here?
    it's easy enough to get lost.
    Remeber, I'm not around here for years allready, so stop that stupid message.. What the hell are forums for anyways?
  5. bobthefish
    04-30-2009 06:56 AM
    I found it to be really good, except the way you get in cars was a little weird. felt like you assigned the car as a weapon, since you could strafe and handle it like walking around. I spent most of my time just blowing up stuff with a rocket launcher. that never gets old :p
  6. bobthefish
    04-29-2009 03:48 PM
    just wonderin how duke theft auto is comming. I played with that "beta release" u did quite a while back for a bit, but your more recent videos are awesome.
  7. bobthefish
    04-21-2009 05:41 AM
    yes. hes not mine though sadly.
  8. Dopefish7590
    03-07-2009 08:45 PM
    Actually no, that wasn't me. There are so many Dopefish out there that it's hard to tell who did what now...
  9. Frenkel
    02-09-2009 02:54 AM
    I didn't want to draw too much attention by creating a new thread. And it wasn't the first time this thread was bumped ;).
  10. eddym4814
    02-06-2009 10:31 PM
    Thanks for reminding about the DNR address change. I did not change it before because someone mentioned something about them losing their google ranking, then I forgot about it. I will change it tonight. Eddy

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