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twelvepaws 07-24-2015 04:59 PM

Billy Blaze in Keen 4, 5 & 6
Who did the voice for Billy Blaze in Keen 4, 5 & 6? (He said "Hm-m-m" and "Ouch" - that's all I remember.)

I liked how he would sit down and read if you took too long to activate him - teachers and librarians would have loved him if they had known.

Then there was the "mooning." :D

Frenkel 07-25-2015 08:02 AM

Re: Billy Blaze in Keen 4, 5 & 6
And who did the voice of Johnny Dash in Monster Bash?

twelvepaws 07-28-2015 05:05 PM

Re: Billy Blaze in Keen 4, 5 & 6
Was going to ask that too, Frenkel, but couldn't remember if he talked. :)

I do remember he "cracked" the screen if you waited too long to activate him. :-D

Joe Siegler 07-30-2015 08:33 PM

Re: Billy Blaze in Keen 4, 5 & 6
Johnny Dash would say "Awesome!" a lot.

I don't remember Keen having a voice in the original games. If it did, it was probably manufactured with sound effects. I'd have to ask.

Hendricks266 08-03-2015 10:10 PM

Re: Billy Blaze in Keen 4, 5 & 6
I can't think of any Keen voice clips. The closest thing would be the sound played when you try to swim to the Well of Wishes in Keen 4 but haven't gotten the Wetsuit from Miragia yet.

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