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DirtyFexen 10-09-2015 08:57 PM

Resolution Scale
Will Bombshell support resolution scale as an option?

Resolution scale is becoming a common option with many notable games such as the Battlefield series, Star Wars Battlefront and GTA V offering similar options for rendering at a higher resolution than native resolution.

Stevey Boy 10-12-2015 03:31 PM

Re: Resolution Scale
Most Nvidia cards can DSR regardless

DirtyFexen 10-14-2015 12:10 AM

Re: Resolution Scale
Resolution scale is a better option because it'd be supported by the game, work across all hardware manufacturers and provide more variability unlike DSR which operates with predefined resolutions which I believe only go up to 3840x2400.

Resolution scale as an option is usually a scale from 1 - 200% that alters the internal rendering resolution, some other games offer it with either SSAA or a scale that goes up fraction by fraction (1.25/1.50/1.75/2.00)

If it's possible to implement it'd be well worth the effort to allow gamers with high-end hardware to push the game as far as it'll go graphically where possible.

At the very least it'd be great to see an option for temporal anti-aliasing or MSAA which Rise of the Triad notably lacked instead only having an option for MLAA which is a low quality anti-aliasing method that blurs the end image and has minimal effect which is a shame considering how easy it would have been to integrate MSAA support using the UE3 DirectX 11 renderer.

Stevey Boy 10-14-2015 01:39 AM

Re: Resolution Scale
DSR is the exact same thing and you can set it to what resolution you want, although 4K may be the maximum

DirtyFexen 10-14-2015 10:35 PM

Re: Resolution Scale
No it's not. Read my post again.

Stevey Boy 10-15-2015 05:35 AM

Re: Resolution Scale
Maybe I'm thinking of GeDoSaTo

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