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-   -   So, what exactly is this? (https://forums.3drealms.com/vb/showthread.php?t=38988)

Darkman 4 10-08-2014 10:02 AM

So, what exactly is this?
I'm guessing it's most of the Apogee/3DR games in one package, but what platform is it for and what games will be in it?

Kristian Joensen 10-08-2014 11:25 AM

Re: So, what exactly is this?
I guess we will find out when the website it self goes live.

smashed pumpkin 10-08-2014 12:21 PM

Re: So, what exactly is this?
Looking forward to it.

Frederik Schreiber 10-08-2014 12:45 PM

Re: So, what exactly is this?

Alright, let's not go down that road again.
We're in the process of getting everything ready, so you'll know soon enough :)

K100 10-09-2014 06:42 PM

Re: So, what exactly is this?


I NEED this as a wallpaper !

NUKEMDAVE 10-09-2014 10:34 PM

Re: So, what exactly is this?

Originally Posted by Darkman 4 (Post 964277)
...but what platform is it for...

I would guess this could be a possibility:


Crosma 10-10-2014 02:43 AM

Re: So, what exactly is this?
Give me pre-releases, or kill me!

Nukkus 10-15-2014 06:37 AM

Re: So, what exactly is this?
Whatever it is, I'm in.

hackman 10-22-2014 06:59 AM

Re: So, what exactly is this?
I need that! And that background image, too! xD

Joe Siegler 10-23-2014 10:32 AM

Re: So, what exactly is this?
It's out. Check it out:


Commando Nukem 10-23-2014 11:06 AM

Re: So, what exactly is this?

Originally Posted by Frederik Schreiber (Post 964288)

I think you should make it company policy to never say that sh*t again, sir. :D

It's really cool to see all the old cats back together again, and the trailer is very well edited. Hats off for their hard work on that.

I wonder though, did you guys contemplate doing something different? Like maybe releasing them in waves or was the idea pretty much "Let's do one big anthology for the relaunch" the way it was from early on?

Also am I the only one who gets a Dark Knight/Prometheus vibe when I read the "A N T H O L O G Y" header above? :D

Joe Siegler 10-23-2014 11:09 AM

Re: So, what exactly is this?

Originally Posted by Commando Nukem (Post 964470)
I think you should make it company policy to never say that sh*t again, sir. :D

I tried to get it as the new corporate slogan, but was voted down. :D

Rider 10-23-2014 11:21 AM

Re: So, what exactly is this?
I swear that phrase got me Gamer-PTSD for sure :D

I'm kind of curious what exactly this Anthology launcher is. It sounds like it could just be a DOSBox wrapper. What value would this have for someone who already has all the old Apogee/3DRealms games, and runs them through DOSBox?

ZuljinRaynor 10-23-2014 11:24 AM

Re: So, what exactly is this?
I still get sad every time I see Duke 2 Duke with sunglasses.

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