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Sketch 08-30-2010 07:38 PM

How hard should hard be in DNF?
If this has already been posted then my apologies, I just thought it would be nice to have a new discussion point. Anyway, in my opinion, playing Duke is also being Duke - kicking ass and not carrying enough bubblegum, that said the hardest difficulty in DNF would probably take away from that, forcing you to hide to take less damage, and all the other connatations that follow. So, would this difficulty take away some of the essence of Duke? He would never hide behind walls, he'd be breakin' balls! IMO it'd be fine, but not for the first playthrough, I think all the one liners would have less impact if you're limping around with 1 health.

Oh and I know the thread title sounds silly, but couldn't think of anything else.

KO Gilligan 08-30-2010 07:41 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Leet strafe skills and bunny hopping or you die a hidious death.


ferran275 08-30-2010 07:42 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by Sketch (Post 944261)
If this has already been posted then my apologies, I just thought it would be nice to have a new discussion point. Anyway, in my opinion, playing Duke is also being Duke - kicking ass and not carrying enough bubblegum, that said the hardest difficulty in DNF would probably take away from that, forcing you to hide to take less damage, and all the other connatations that follow. So, would this difficulty take away some of the essence of Duke? He would never hide behind walls, he'd be breakin' balls! IMO it'd be fine, but not for the first playthrough, I think all the one liners would have less impact if you're limping around with 1 health.

Oh and I know the thread title sounds silly, but couldn't think of anything else.

lol, its a fine title :cool:

I think playing it through on Piece Of Cake once will suffice for that kicking ass stuff, once thats done then you can go back and turn on uber hard mode and try your luck. One question this brought up for me is, is DNF going to be in the same vein as most shooters these days when it comes to health? like will the screen go red for a few seconds and then health regenerate? or will it be old school with health packs? (only way to go IMO)

Reaper89 08-30-2010 07:47 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by ferran275 (Post 944266)
lol, its a fine title :cool:

I think playing it through on Piece Of Cake once will suffice for that kicking ass stuff, once thats done then you can go back and turn on uber hard mode and try your luck. One question this brought up for me is, is DNF going to be in the same vein as most shooters these days when it comes to health? like will the screen go red for a few seconds and then health regenerate? or will it be old school with health packs? (only way to go IMO)

I hope it's old-school. Honestly I'm not even slightly interested in anything related to these modern 'realistic' shooters.
Duke Nukem should be Duke Nukem.

Sketch 08-30-2010 07:49 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
I love taking out a room of enemies and being like "Yeah I only lost x amount of health"

Hopefully they leave it as was, is the Ego bar seen in some of the videos his health?

Twitch 08-30-2010 07:50 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Hopefully EGO packs, in the form of porn mags and cigars. Seeing his life bar is based on his EGO. :D

Sketch 08-30-2010 07:53 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by ferran275 (Post 944266)
lol, its a fine title :cool:

I initially was going to put 'how hard should Duke be?'

And then I ran it through in my head.

Twitch 08-30-2010 07:55 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by Sketch (Post 944274)
I initially was going to put 'how hard should Duke be?'

And then I ran it through in my head.

Thinking about Duke's hard trouser snake I see.

ferran275 08-30-2010 08:15 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by sketch (Post 944274)
i initially was going to put 'how hard should duke be?'

and then i ran it through in my head.

rofl!!! :D

Dark Rabbit 08-30-2010 08:17 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by ferran275 (Post 944266)
lol, its a fine title :cool:

I think playing it through on Piece Of Cake once will suffice for that kicking ass stuff, once thats done then you can go back and turn on uber hard mode and try your luck. One question this brought up for me is, is DNF going to be in the same vein as most shooters these days when it comes to health? like will the screen go red for a few seconds and then health regenerate? or will it be old school with health packs? (only way to go IMO)

I hope it's with health packs. Unless Duke is the Hulk, I don't think he should have regenerating powers. :cool:

One thing I was thinking of that could make things harder and a little more interesting, is to have the aliens try to do the same thing to Duke as they did to the EDF and police while they fight him. That is, they attempt to 'bring' him over to their side like they did with the others by making him into a mutant. Too many hits from the mutation gun without an applied antidote, and Duke Nukem becomes Duke Piggem. :p
(I saw this sort of idea from the old Wolfenstine game, where there was a Nazi Doctor who tried to turn you into another zombie by throwing hypodermic needles at you. If you had too many hit you and you died, you'd become a zombie.) :cool:

Besides, it's fun when it's hard. I don't like easy games, as too many of Star Wars games end up being that.

alexgk 08-30-2010 08:33 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

How hard should hard be in DNF?
Very. Punishing.

Valdsator 08-30-2010 08:47 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
I think Duke Nukem: MP had a great EGO system. You kill stuff, you get ego. There are also ego packs.

I liked the little things you could do to increase your ego, like kill bugs.

cof_3pc 08-30-2010 08:47 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by Sketch (Post 944261)
If this has already been posted then my apologies, I just thought it would be nice to have a new discussion point. Anyway, in my opinion, playing Duke is also being Duke - kicking ass and not carrying enough bubblegum, that said the hardest difficulty in DNF would probably take away from that, forcing you to hide to take less damage, and all the other connatations that follow. So, would this difficulty take away some of the essence of Duke? He would never hide behind walls, he'd be breakin' balls! IMO it'd be fine, but not for the first playthrough, I think all the one liners would have less impact if you're limping around with 1 health.

Oh and I know the thread title sounds silly, but couldn't think of anything else.

It should be just like Duke3D. Same difficulty settings. You had to hide behind walls in Duke3D too. If you didn't you were cheating or playing on easy. If a pig cop shoots at you, you dive behind a wall and pop back out and shoot him.

Dark Rabbit 08-30-2010 09:22 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by alexgk (Post 944294)
Very. Punishing.

As in "One shot, one kill" difficulty? :D

You know, that would be awesome :love:

Stevey Boy 08-31-2010 01:18 AM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Hard should be so hard that it makes you wanna smash your PC to pieces in frustration

pjVgt 08-31-2010 01:33 AM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Balls of Steel hard.

Regarding the EGO - it should be reagined by reading porn mags, watching porn videos, babes shakin it, drinking booze, smoking cigars, pissing (much better!) and using mighty boot.

P.S. stevey chaos engine is one badass game

Betelgeuse 08-31-2010 01:38 AM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
the equivalent of the "come get some" difficulty in D3D. :D

alexgk 08-31-2010 07:39 AM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by Dark Rabbit (Post 944315)
As in "One shot, one kill" difficulty? :D

You know, that would be awesome :love:

Wouldn't that make Duke look like weak? :censored:

Dark Rabbit 08-31-2010 08:13 AM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by alexgk (Post 944416)
Wouldn't that make Duke look like weak? :censored:

No. Because it would be closer to what happens in the real world, as all it actually would take is just one bullet to kill you, especially if you were hit in the head or upper torso. In the game, this ups the difficulty considerably, because Duke can't galivant about in the open anymore, but would have to reeally know to use cover and ambush tactics. It doesn't make Duke weak, it just changes the rules on how to confront the enemy. :cool:

pjVgt 08-31-2010 08:33 AM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by Dark Rabbit (Post 944424)
No. Because it would be closer to what happens in the real world, as all it actually would take is just one bullet to kill you, especially if you were hit in the head or upper torso. In the game, this ups the difficulty considerably, because Duke can't galivant about in the open anymore, but would have to reeally know to use cover and ambush tactics. It doesn't make Duke weak, it just changes the rules on how to confront the enemy. :cool:

Duke is too much badass to hide - he ripped head off from a big alien frog shooting rockets - bullets would be like mosquitos to him. He is at least as strong as a angry chimp - and man chimps can be mean and strong. 9mm wont do it just would crack their skull and not perforate. Not enough punching power - best way to kill angry chimp is to have a big sharp pointy stick with hook - and those pointy sticks are really bad, like punch through human like a hot knife into brick of butter BAD!

delta2kbr 08-31-2010 08:45 AM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
The Duke eats rockets for breakfast.

pjVgt 08-31-2010 10:16 AM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by delta2kbr (Post 944430)
The Duke eats rockets for breakfast.

He eats concrete blocks and drinks up with 99,9% pure spirit.

Exactly like Russians do ;).

Justyce 08-31-2010 02:51 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

As hard as my - (never mind forum is supposed to be clean)

alexgk 08-31-2010 04:32 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by Dark Rabbit (Post 944424)
No. Because it would be closer to what happens in the real world, as all it actually would take is just one bullet to kill you, especially if you were hit in the head or upper torso. In the game, this ups the difficulty considerably, because Duke can't galivant about in the open anymore, but would have to reeally know to use cover and ambush tactics. It doesn't make Duke weak, it just changes the rules on how to confront the enemy. :cool:

It'd be a nice unlockable mode :o

JobivanHiob 08-31-2010 04:37 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
"How hard should hard be in DNF?"

hard enough!

Oveneise 08-31-2010 05:09 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
less ammo pickups, quicker deaths, more enemies which take more bullets to kill... that kind of stuff.

ripemanewone 08-31-2010 06:29 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
They should make the hardest setting a mode where there are an insane amount of ememys with upgraded guns and the bosses do new tactics as opposed to just charging at you with doomsday weapons not that theres anything wrong with the last bosses.

---------- Post added at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------

I rocket Dukes for breakfast.

thunderPIN 08-31-2010 07:10 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Maybe have it like in Duke 3D where on "Damn I'm Good" you have to destroy the enemies bodies in order for them to totally stay dead.

Jeff 08-31-2010 10:58 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Challenging, but not impossible. Might take a couple headshots to kill an enemy.

Some games I've played, there's more enemies, but with the same health. Other games, same amount of enemies, you just need to pump more bullets into them.

PredatorFL 09-01-2010 12:07 AM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
The game will be as hard as "Duke's Enormous" tool amiright???

prophecy holder 09-01-2010 03:15 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Interesting idea is to allow a new enemy unit for every harder difficulty. Such as:

World defender = All regular enemies do regular damage and have regular health

Bring it on = All enemies do more damage and have more health + 1 new enemy

Tempered but ready = All enemies do even more damage and have a lot more health + 2 new enemies + 1 new mini boss

Time to kill = All enemies do an insane amount of damage and take a hell of a lot of bullets to kill + 4 new enemies + 2 new mini bosses

Gives you a incentive to play every difficulty.

Sang 09-01-2010 03:57 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?

Originally Posted by Valdsator (Post 944297)
I think Duke Nukem: MP had a great EGO system. You kill stuff, you get ego. There are also ego packs.

I liked the little things you could do to increase your ego, like kill bugs.

DNMP was too easy because shit, even farting would give you 50% extra health.

Of course it drops down slowly Quake-style but... you still get way too much health all the time.

Conan of Cooma 09-01-2010 04:12 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Hard. Capital H.

Wamplet 09-01-2010 08:36 PM

Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
It should take you as long as it was in development to pass the game

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