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Damien_Azreal 10-08-2014 09:50 AM

What was the last game you played: New Era
May as well get some action going on the forum.
You know the routine.

Post the most recent game you played before visiting this thread now. Not what you're about to play, not what you played two days ago. The most recent game.


smashed pumpkin 10-08-2014 12:13 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Played Skyrim last night for the first time in about 5 months. Got busy with other things and some other games and neglected it for a while.

I still haven't finished the main story. There's so much content in the game it's very easy to get distracted doing other stuff.

Frederik Schreiber 10-08-2014 12:27 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Bombshell... A lot of Bombshell, day in and day out. :)

Joe Siegler 10-08-2014 12:41 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era

Originally Posted by Frederik Schreiber (Post 964283)
Bombshell... A lot of Bombshell, day in and day out. :)


Damien_Azreal 10-08-2014 02:18 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Alien: Isolation


Game is beyond glorious in every single way. Simply... amazing.

Frederik Schreiber 10-08-2014 02:21 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
I was also stunned by Isolation. Absolutely beautiful game.
We get our DK2's tomorrow, so we're pretty excited to try it out with the new Rift.

Damien_Azreal 10-08-2014 02:23 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
So far I'm only about three hours in, and I'm having a hard time deciding what to play between Alien: Isolation and Shadow of Mordor.

And then 'The Evil Within' comes out next week...
Not. Enough. Free. Time.

fast-1 10-08-2014 03:00 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era

Getting stuck on this game Serious Sam 3.

Joe Siegler 10-08-2014 04:10 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era

Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal (Post 964296)
So far I'm only about three hours in, and I'm having a hard time deciding what to play between Alien: Isolation and Shadow of Mordor.

And then 'The Evil Within' comes out next week...
Not. Enough. Free. Time.

Have young kids, then your machine is dominated with games like Minecraft, and you don't have a choice. :D

ZuljinRaynor 10-08-2014 05:36 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Hyrule Warriors

Impa is so fun to play. :love:


Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal (Post 964274)

People still use Imageshack? :p

Damien_Azreal 10-08-2014 05:49 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Maybe, hell if I know. I just copied the rules from the old thread. Lazy.

Joe Siegler 10-08-2014 06:20 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era

Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal (Post 964306)
Maybe, hell if I know. I just copied the rules from the old thread. Lazy.


Damien_Azreal 10-08-2014 06:27 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
I'm sick.
I'm surprised I've been motivated to do anything at all today. :p

Stevey Boy 10-09-2014 03:36 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Alien: Isolation.


Frederik Schreiber 10-10-2014 12:27 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
I'm currently playing Alien Isolation as well.
I'm playing it on the Oculus Rift DK2. Very interesting experience, and it works incredibly well. Being able to peak around corners, look under tables etc. is a great experience.

Damien_Azreal 10-10-2014 06:15 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Awesome to see Monolith deliver such a solid and fun game. Specially after Craig and other key people left.

Riddlewire 10-10-2014 02:36 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
I just finished playing "Build a new PC".
First level was easy, then the software glitches set in. Took me about 8 hours to finish it.

Damien_Azreal 10-11-2014 06:18 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
More Alien: Isolation

I thought I was doing really well. Had a couple close calls... but was able to get past the alien by staying just far enough off to the side it didn't find me.

But, seems I got a bit to sure of myself... bumped over a trashcan. And the damn alien came running. I was not only shocked because I died, but shocked because bumping over a trashcan gave me away.

Joe Siegler 10-11-2014 06:39 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Powerstar Golf on the Xbox One.

I have kids. :)

dan2091 10-11-2014 09:50 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era

Duke3D. It seems like ages since I last played it, yet it is the game I play the most.

Waiter 10-12-2014 03:45 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Anno 1404 Venice. :)

Damien_Azreal 10-12-2014 03:27 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Alien: Isolation


Just finished Chapter 9 and oh. my. god.
Honestly, CA need to be given Aliens: Colonial Marines and be told "Remake it, and make it worthy of Alien: Isolation."...

NutWrench 10-13-2014 12:23 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Alien Isolation looks amazing.

fast-1 10-14-2014 01:23 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
That looks scary, where's the guns and ammo.

Rapture_Rising 10-15-2014 06:57 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era

Originally Posted by fast-1 (Post 964388)
That looks scary, where's the guns and ammo.

They're there, but essentially useless, it would have been more useful to throw the revolver at whoever is in your way, well i haven't tried shooting any humans but i did shoot an android square between the eyes and nothing, the bloody thing backed me into a corner and killed me.

The game is more tense than scary, knowing that any second that you could be lunch for the alien. It looks like the devs got at least the most important rules of horror right, the less you see of something the more scary it becomes once you do encounter it.

Damien_Azreal 10-15-2014 10:10 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Humans will go down in a single head shot, around two body shoots to drop them.
The androids naturally take a lot of damage to drop, but the shotgun can make quick work of them.
The flamethrower kills humans instantly, but does almost nothing to the androids.

Personally, I'm glad weapons aren't so powerful you can just run around with them. If so, the game would be... a bit... meh.

Damien_Azreal 10-15-2014 04:57 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Double postin'...

The Evil Within


Simply. Loving. This.

smashed pumpkin 10-16-2014 10:09 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Some of you may recall in the old thread that I was playing through Rise of the Triad (2013).

Finished it last night. This game got old very quickly. It was a faithful throwback to the original, but the gameplay is certainly dated.

About halfway through I got bored and God-moded myself to the end just to finish it.

I feel that this game sorely pales in comparison to the new Shadow Warrior from last year. Shadow Warrior was faithful to the original, kept an old school feel to the gameplay while introducing modern gameplay elements, and had pretty good graphics IMO. I wish the new ROTT would have been more like this.

Now I'm off to finish up Skyrim and the 100cc class of Mario Kart 8 :D:D:D

Damien_Azreal 10-18-2014 07:52 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
The Evil Within


It continues to get better and better. And harder.
I'm very happy, I find I'm dying way more in this then I have in any other recent release. There's actually challenge to this... and I love it.

Also the game just gets more and more twisted the further into it you get.

Stevey Boy 10-19-2014 03:38 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
That looks so messed up, gotta pick it up soon.

MAT 10-19-2014 09:52 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Is that Anthony Hopkins?

Damien_Azreal 10-19-2014 12:29 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Hadn't noticed before, guess he does a little bit of a Hopkins thing going on.

Yes Stevey, the game is wonderfully twisted. I'm having an absolute blast with it.
Currently on Chapter 13 out of 15. So, getting closer.

ScrewingUpMyRide 10-19-2014 02:54 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era

Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal (Post 964425)
Hadn't noticed before, guess he does a little bit of a Hopkins thing going on.

Yes Stevey, the game is wonderfully twisted. I'm having an absolute blast with it.
Currently on Chapter 13 out of 15. So, getting closer.

Favorite chapter so far? I'm assuming it has awesome pacing if Mikami's involved. Is the letterboxing fine? I assume most people either won't care or will stop noticing after an hour or so but it's I can read about the game online.

Last question, how would you say it compares to R.E. 4?

Stevey Boy 10-19-2014 03:34 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Finished the DLCs for Alien: Isolation.

Could just be GOTY for me.

Damien_Azreal 10-19-2014 05:24 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era

Originally Posted by ScrewingUpMyRide (Post 964426)
Favorite chapter so far? I'm assuming it has awesome pacing if Mikami's involved. Is the letterboxing fine? I assume most people either won't care or will stop noticing after an hour or so but it's I can read about the game online.

Last question, how would you say it compares to R.E. 4?

It's almost impossible to nail down a favorite chapter. The first one is a bit weak, but after that all just get better and better. I haven't played a level I haven't enjoyed.

Personally, the letterboxing doesn't bother me at all.
Hell, I played Condemned: Criminal Origins when it first came out on PC on a 5:3 monitor. Full on big black bars all over that mug.
But, personally, once you get into the game you don't notice. But, of course, tons of people won't shut up about it. There are a few fixes out there so...

And compared to Resident Evil 4? Well, it's got an upgrade system. Kind of like the weapon upgrades in RE4, but... simplified.
Also, you can upgrade your character's health, ammo capacity... stuff like that.
There are some similar enemies... like the chainsaw guy, and the basic zombie types. And, the same style of third person camera.

But after that, the similarities pretty much stop.
It's a much, MUCH slower game then RE4. And you are incredibly fragile and not as agile as Leon was.
This is a true survival horror game. I would classify RE4 much like I would Dead Space. Action survival horror. And I LOVE the Dead Space games and RE4.
But, The Evil Within is so damn great because of how challenging it is.

fast-1 10-21-2014 11:53 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Got past that part in under the iron cloud boss, following Stevey boy's advice.
Then wanted to go back and get all the secrets from the first level. Then wanted to continue with the latest level, Serious Sam 3 unearthing the sun.
Then I noticed that all my up to date saves had vanished.

But I still had the saves from under the iron cloud. So I got to play them again. Which is fine, I did not get that last secret in that cloud level.

But it's annoying, that I can't find my saves that I thought would be there, when I tried to return to the latest save. :p

This was tough to write out. :)

Jeff 10-21-2014 05:59 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls

Got some new gear.




Joe Siegler 10-22-2014 05:49 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Shadow Warrior (2013) - Xbox One. :)

Rider 10-23-2014 11:26 AM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
Got invited into the Heroes of the Storm Alpha yesterday, so I've been playing a lot of that!

Rapture_Rising 10-23-2014 07:40 PM

Re: What was the last game you played: New Era
I have just finished Alien: Isolation. I liked it but does anyone else think the game becomes a little tedious towards the end? I think the game is a little too long for it's slow pacing.

I might try the Expendables expansion next.

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