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twelvepaws 05-30-2015 04:23 PM

Paganitzu 2 Room 16
Anyone know how to get through this room? I used to know but forgot. :dopefish: I know you have to leave as much earth as possible to avoid having it all blocked by boulders. I know you have to use the second lever from the left down below to get the right amount of earth to tunnel through to get to the exit. I know you need three bombs to get to the exit. My problems:

1. What path do you take to get the bombs you need?
2. In what order do you get the bombs to have the 3 you need?
3. What path do you take to get to the second lever from the left?

Frenkel 05-31-2015 02:42 PM

Re: Paganitzu 2 Room 16
Maybe this will help you: http://legacy.3drealms.com/tech/paganitzu.html#e2l16

Joe Siegler 06-01-2015 10:58 AM

Re: Paganitzu 2 Room 16
Ha - I forgot I put that on the site ages ago, Frenkel. :)

twelvepaws 06-02-2015 04:26 PM

Re: Paganitzu 2 Room 16
This is amazing! I didn't know about this tech support site, mainly because I hadn't explored enough. I come around when I play the old Apogee games, which isn't too often, with all the new games available today. I really wish Apogee could continue making games in the old tradition, updated for today's PC's and other gaming media, but I understand the economics behind the lack of new games.

I can't wait to go try out the "Secret." I'm wondering how many more secrets there are that I didn't know about...will have to explore some more. Thanks so much, Frenkel and Joe! :love::D:love:

moron 06-27-2015 01:48 AM

Re: Paganitzu 2 Room 16
ya great game also there are the hidden chagunitzu levels in EP1

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