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-   -   Max 2: Bestial Whore (Machinima based on Max Payne 2) (https://forums.3drealms.com/vb/showthread.php?t=37004)

pepikJS 01-12-2010 09:10 AM

Bestial Whore (Machinima based on Max Payne 2)

Bestial Whore is a bloody noir story (based on Max Payne 2 engine) about some killer slut. Police with detective Debris (Jim Bravura) is searching after her. But she's devil with machine gun, can someone stop her?

I create this machinima in summer 2007, it was classic video in humble quality. But in present I remaster this old video piece in Adobe After Effects. I make whole video monochrome with only one extra color - red. Then I put at it some cartoon filter and the result is something between Sin City and The Saboteur (game). But I must say - original video (made in year 2007) was rendered in Nero Vision and quality of screen is not very high. I do what I can but even After Effects can't do miracles. But I hope you will enjoy this... master-shit-piece.

WATCH Bestial Whore PART 1 NOW!
WATCH Bestial Whore PART 2 NOW!


LasVegas 01-12-2010 02:12 PM

Re: Bestial Whore (Machinima based on Max Payne 2)
Man, that`s such an awesome peace of art.
Awesome story-line, i really had a good time watching it.
Thank you for sharing and hope to see some new projects

andersenthemuss 01-12-2010 03:00 PM

Re: Bestial Whore (Machinima based on Max Payne 2)
Aewsome stuff:P

Is the black white and red a filter u putted on in ur video program or did u create a new remap for it?

Sayantan 01-13-2010 11:00 AM

Re: Bestial Whore (Machinima based on Max Payne 2)
Art! :love:

pepikJS 01-14-2010 10:58 AM

Re: Bestial Whore (Machinima based on Max Payne 2)
Thanks for comments folks. ;)
And that black-white-red visualization was maked in Adobe After Effects CS4.

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