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-   -   Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing (https://forums.3drealms.com/vb/showthread.php?t=39146)

Lunick Fiore 05-16-2015 09:32 PM

Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
Although the game collection is on sale now for $12.49, when it is no longer on sale it will be $24.99. However, the price of the individual games would be $23.95 outside of the bundle. Price slipup?

Damien_Azreal 05-16-2015 09:43 PM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
I already own the Megaton Collection. And a retail copy of the Kill-A-Ton... I don't see any reason to buy this on Steam.

The only thing it offers I sort of want, is DN: Manhattan Project. I own it retail, but, I prefer things on Steam these days.
To hell with installing off disc. ;)

The Duke Returns 05-16-2015 10:11 PM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
You can get it by it self it really cheap on steam 5.99 http://store.steampowered.com/app/240200/

Damien_Azreal 05-17-2015 07:16 AM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
Yeah, I know. I just have never gotten around to getting it... maybe during a Steam sale it'll pop in my head.

Lunick Fiore 05-18-2015 10:21 PM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
Now Duke Nukem 3D and Balls of Steel cannot be purchased separately on Steam :confused:

The Duke Returns 05-18-2015 10:32 PM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
Balls of Steel is still there for me http://store.steampowered.com/app/358430/
I don't see a Duke Nukem 3D buy thingy there

only thing I see is Duke Nukem 3D Bugaton Edition and a couple of double packs and collections

DirtyFexen 05-19-2015 01:47 AM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
I wonder if Duke Xtreme will be added.

The Duke Returns 05-19-2015 03:23 AM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
Been Reading Duke4.net they are picking names for that collection Here for ya Dork Nukem Hail To The Dork

nbajammer 05-20-2015 12:01 AM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
Is it just me or does the image on this site show the expansions but they don't seem to appear in the bundle (which I own all of the games anyway)? I'm kinda confused about this.

The Duke Returns 05-20-2015 12:09 AM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
Did you happen to buy 3DRealms Collection? if you did it those addons would appear in your EDuke32 Think that what Mrs Hendricks told on Dukey4.net

nbajammer 05-20-2015 12:12 AM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing

Originally Posted by The Duke Returns (Post 965991)
Did you happen to buy 3DRealms Collection? if you did it those addons would appear in your EDuke32 Think that what Mrs Hendricks told on Dukey4.net

Yep, I did, on Steam. Do they only work on the EDuke 32 version?

Hendricks266 05-20-2015 12:13 AM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing

Originally Posted by nbajammer (Post 965989)
Is it just me or does the image on this site show the expansions but they don't seem to appear in the bundle (which I own all of the games anyway)? I'm kinda confused about this.

They're included when you run the Duke Nukem 3D entry.



The Duke Returns 05-20-2015 12:15 AM

Re: Duke Nukem Kill-A-Ton Collection 2015 Pricing
they can work in away on megaton you can ask NukemDave, I really forgot how to do it

oh I forgot NukemDave Edited Duke extreme which is coopable now can work on Megaton Edition

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