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ripemanewone 08-31-2010 06:17 PM

DNF will have a DUKEMATCH, what characters should be useable and (if any) what abilitys should they have for example pig cops calling in pig air support or suck it downs with razerblade helichopper attacks.

DerricktheW 08-31-2010 06:26 PM

Re: Deathmatch
You spelled Dukematch wrong

alexgk 08-31-2010 06:35 PM

Re: Deathmatch
At this point, (if the game is still in development) I just want them to bring Dukematch, Team Dukematch, maybe CTF and that's all.

GrimWoman 08-31-2010 06:38 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by alexgk (Post 944590)
maybe CTF and that's all.

Don't you mean Capture The Babe? :D

alexgk 08-31-2010 06:40 PM

Re: Deathmatch
Oh yeah, right. Sorry :)

PredatorFL 08-31-2010 06:40 PM

Re: Deathmatch
lol it would be much better that way... just like Meat Flag in Gears 2 instead of a greasy hobo, you get a babe lol.

Water12356 08-31-2010 06:42 PM

Re: Deathmatch
"Hey, no flag humping on the server!!" :p

ripemanewone 08-31-2010 06:50 PM

Re: Deathmatch
Blow it out ur ass!

PredatorFL 08-31-2010 06:50 PM

Re: Deathmatch
lol ahh that would be terrible.

ripemanewone 08-31-2010 06:56 PM

Re: Deathmatch
It should feature gears style head stomps and nuclear nuggies I know it wont though, the face stomping maybe knowing what George is like.

---------- Post added at 06:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ----------


Originally Posted by DerricktheW (Post 944585)
You spelled Dukematch wrong

Excuuuuuse me, srry didnt mean to ruin ur day.

PredatorFL 08-31-2010 07:01 PM

Re: Deathmatch
OMFG duke could have a special kill move where he takes the wounded victim, rips off his head and craps down his neck... that would beat Curb Stomp any day lol.

thunderPIN 08-31-2010 07:05 PM

Re: Deathmatch
Capture the Babe. I like the sounds of that.

Here's a question I have for everyone. Would you rather see a Dukematch in DNF that has Duke vs. Dukes or have the ability to select from multiple characters? I honestly wouldn't mind if it followed the same formula as the Dukematch in D3D would a few little additions here and there.

I wouldn't mind seeing vehicles in Dukematch either. After seeing the footage of the monster truck and the images of the RC car, it hit me that I would love to be able to cause vehicular mayhem in multiplayer!

PredatorFL 08-31-2010 07:10 PM

Re: Deathmatch
Well you could set it up like Gears of War where one Side (good guys) you could either be Duke, Bombshell, or a couple different EDF soldiers.

on the other side (bad guys) you could play pig-cops, Assault- troopers, Enforcers, or other enemies.

thunderPIN 08-31-2010 07:12 PM

Re: Deathmatch

That is a sweet idea. That could work. Maybe weapon modifiers too?

Sketch 08-31-2010 07:13 PM

Re: Deathmatch
I'd prefer co-op :D

To deathmatch that is.

ripemanewone 08-31-2010 07:34 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by Sketch (Post 944609)
I'd prefer co-op :D

To deathmatch that is.

not gonna happen.

---------- Post added at 07:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

A hoard mode would rock, overlords, battlelords, crowds of blowupable grunts and pigcops..... what more do you want?

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 PM ----------

U should be able to grab em by the troath and punch their heads in.

ferran275 08-31-2010 07:47 PM

Re: Deathmatch
I highly doubt co-op, unless they're planning on unveiling some new side kick (pleeeeease noooooo) Capture the babe would be bad ass, it could be a blow up doll you throw over your shoulder :D

Valdsator 08-31-2010 08:37 PM

Re: Deathmatch
Why can't Duke #2 just get some red pants for co-op? It would almost be a reference to older games, and Duke 3d. :P Most of them didn't have sidekicks for co-op, just different colored players.

alexgk 08-31-2010 08:39 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by ferran275 (Post 944620)
I highly doubt co-op, unless they're planning on unveiling some new side kick (pleeeeease noooooo) Capture the babe would be bad ass, it could be a blow up doll you throw over your shoulder :D

Why a blow up doll when you can have the real deal? ;)

ferran275 08-31-2010 08:42 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by Valdsator (Post 944629)
Why can't Duke #2 just get some red pants for co-op? It would almost be a reference to older games, and Duke 3d. :P Most of them didn't have sidekicks for co-op, just different colored players.

yeah but two Duke's spouting out one liners at the same time? would be kind of weird, the more I think about this the more I think this game will break boundaries the way Duke3D did. Its quite possible that they do it this way, if thats the case, we should all friend each other on whatever console we're on right now so we're ready to play co-op together! :)

P.S. I've never cared enough about a game to play co-op with someone else before.

DerricktheW 08-31-2010 09:09 PM

Re: Deathmatch
Capture the Babe?


Boosh 08-31-2010 09:17 PM

Re: Deathmatch
I don't need any frills, really. Just simple Dukematch, like in DN3D.

What was great about Dukematch in Duke3D was that it was so accessible and user friendly. It was like having an entire second game for free. There was always a great feel to it -- it had great atmosphere and sounds, just like single player.

Maybe it's cuz I'm still stuck on Build, but I doubt we'll see as much creativity with user maps as we did with Duke3D.

ferran275 08-31-2010 09:32 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by Boosh (Post 944637)
...I doubt we'll see as much creativity with user maps as we did with Duke3D.

That being said I wonder if they'll give the map creation tools away, like Unreal or Team Fortress does.

thunderPIN 08-31-2010 10:23 PM

Re: Deathmatch
ripemanewone has a cool idea. A hoard/survival mode would be awesome! Nonstop gory action till you drop and online leaderboards to compare scores would be awesome :)

GrimWoman 08-31-2010 10:33 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by ferran275 (Post 944620)
Capture the babe would be bad ass, it could be a blow up doll you throw over your shoulder :D

No, duke has to throw a real babe over his shoulder and bring her back to his bed before the other team does. :D

alexgk 08-31-2010 10:54 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by ripemanewone (Post 944611)
A hoard mode would rock, overlords, battlelords, crowds of blowupable grunts and pigcops..... what more do you want?

Yeah, a mode like this would kick serious amount of ass (specially in co-op). But... if any company is developing DNF atm, did it plan to include this?

It's easier to say it than to actually desing, program and ship it with the game.

DerricktheW 08-31-2010 11:04 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by thunderPIN (Post 944643)
ripemanewone has a cool idea. A hoard/survival mode would be awesome! Nonstop gory action till you drop and online leaderboards to compare scores would be awesome :)

*AHEM* Duke doesn't ever die. Ever. You would have to be a bunch of non-one-liner using EDF troops. Otherwise I'd hate it.

The game needs co-op, and I'll completely certain it will get co-op, whether official or not, within a year of release.

Jeager1999 08-31-2010 11:34 PM

Re: Deathmatch
As long as there is not, Jump Shot's, Quick Scopes, No Scopes, Noobtubes, Teabagging and above all else.... No Freakin trash talking punk kids who think they are all badass because the talk trash on the mic.

Sketch 08-31-2010 11:34 PM

Re: Deathmatch
The trouble would be incorporating the FBA and so on into coop.

PredatorFL 09-01-2010 12:01 AM

Re: Deathmatch
ok for the Duke Hoard mode, you can call it invasion right... where u play a group of EDF troops fighting the Alien invasion. You can win bonuses like air strikes, ammo, or play Duke himself for a few minutes.

DerricktheW 09-01-2010 12:07 AM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by Sketch (Post 944663)
The trouble would be incorporating the FBA and so on into coop.

Not really. If its already full body aware, then its all already fully animated.

delta2kbr 09-01-2010 04:12 AM

Re: Deathmatch
I thought there wasn't gonna be a multiplayer on DNF... didn't George said this a time ago?

Stevey Boy 09-01-2010 05:53 AM

Re: Deathmatch
Why not co-op?
Theres co-op in DN3D:p

ferran275 09-01-2010 06:52 AM

Re: Deathmatch
I just had a really good thought, I'll bet this is how it'll turn out: I think it will be a lot like Half Life 1, DNF will come out on its own, with barebones dukematch. Then within a year we'll get an expansion where you play as a soldier and can play co-op if you want. Then the next update will be all the multiplayer craziness.

....And then maybe ONE more where you play as a security guard :cool:

ripemanewone 09-01-2010 02:44 PM

Re: Deathmatch
From what I gather George B has been trying to puts as many cool features as possible into DNF that includes taking other peoples ideas and makeing them better, this is how we progress.
So things like curb stomps and maybe even a reward system should be on the cards, thats one of the reasons the game has been delayed, it has to set a new excellence bar as duke 3D did back in the day.
Also the box art should be a picture of duke standing over the crumpled bodies of master chief, the call of duty morons, alma, gordon freeman, and serious sam just like the boxart from duke3d where hes firing bullets into em for good measure....dnt like my spelling/grammer? eat shit and die.

ripemanewone 09-02-2010 02:53 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by PredatorFL (Post 944667)
ok for the Duke Hoard mode, you can call it invasion right... where u play a group of EDF troops fighting the Alien invasion. You can win bonuses like air strikes, ammo, or play Duke himself for a few minutes.

Sounds good, another idea would be that you could actually call in the Duke himself sort of like an air strike but more powerfull and with £1.99 sunglasses and Dunnes stores/ K-Mart jeans.

WarThrash 09-02-2010 02:55 PM

Re: Deathmatch
I'd love to play as an Enforcer online complete with a minigun arm and everything

DerricktheW 09-02-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Deathmatch

Originally Posted by Stevey Boy (Post 944698)
Why not co-op?
Theres co-op in DN3D:p

Coop was 10x easier to do back in the day. Nowadays, the game has to be built with coop in mind, and then those games tend to suffer a bit gameplay wise when playing singleplayer.

But its when games like Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 have a good mod community that a really cool coop mod is released. That way, the developers of the game can focus more on making a kickass game, and the mod community makes the coop.

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