jpb6891 |
09-11-2015 04:37 PM |
Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny Hintbooks Released as Freeware
The Wolfenstein 3D Hintbook and Spear of Destiny Hintbooks have been released for freeware. You can see them at and John Romero gave Math Stath permission to upload them. They include a lot of storyline information not in the game. The Spear of Destiny Hintbooks are a must read for the storyline of the game. The SOD hintbooks file include the lost episodes hintbooks. I like all of the Hintbooks. The Grosse brothers in Episode 6 Level 10 are Fans Grosse, Pans Grosse, and Mans Grosse. They are not Hans Grosse. The Wolfenstein 3D Hintbook says this. The hintbooks include a lot of behind the scenes stuff. The Spear of Destiny Hintbooks are basically a read this since there is no read this in Spear of Destiny. What do you people think of these hintbooks? I actually have physical copies of all the hintbooks.