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-   -   Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny Hintbooks Released as Freeware (https://forums.3drealms.com/vb/showthread.php?t=39197)

jpb6891 09-11-2015 04:37 PM

Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny Hintbooks Released as Freeware
The Wolfenstein 3D Hintbook and Spear of Destiny Hintbooks have been released for freeware. You can see them at http://www.wolfensteingoodies.com/wo...tware_1992.pdf. and http://www.wolfensteingoodies.com/wo...ear_manual.pdf. John Romero gave Math Stath permission to upload them. They include a lot of storyline information not in the game. The Spear of Destiny Hintbooks are a must read for the storyline of the game. The SOD hintbooks file include the lost episodes hintbooks. I like all of the Hintbooks. The Grosse brothers in Episode 6 Level 10 are Fans Grosse, Pans Grosse, and Mans Grosse. They are not Hans Grosse. The Wolfenstein 3D Hintbook says this. The hintbooks include a lot of behind the scenes stuff. The Spear of Destiny Hintbooks are basically a read this since there is no read this in Spear of Destiny. What do you people think of these hintbooks? I actually have physical copies of all the hintbooks.

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