3D Realms Forums

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TheAncientOne 02-11-2015 09:14 AM

Where do i put the maps and how do in install the maps and the EXTRAS:D

Nukkus 02-13-2015 06:42 AM

Re: Maps
Wow, talk about lack of context!

Frostbyt3 02-17-2015 04:10 PM

Re: Maps

Robman 02-18-2015 07:33 PM

Re: Maps
likely wants to know how to play user maps and add-ons.

With original duke3d, load maps from the setup.exe file, have the map files in the main directory.

Add-ons likely come with a .bat file to launch them. It's been a long time since I used dos duke3d and never did play add-ons with it.

Corvin 02-18-2015 11:48 PM

Re: Maps
I wonder if hes really talking about Duke3D...know way of knowing until he tells us.

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