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Avalon 04-09-2009 06:27 PM

i was just playing but gave up because 5 or so players all had red bar connections. Is that their actual connection or is it suppose to be telling me what MY connection to THEM will be like? my connection always says in the green but does this just display green to everyone?

it is annoying, i was able to get fine games earlier but now the lag delays firing. Also i don't get it, even when I was the host I lagged connecting to these people. my broadband connection is fine though. Anyone else always getting problems with lag?

Steve 04-28-2009 03:48 AM

Re: laggy

Originally Posted by Avalon (Post 854509)
i was just playing but gave up because 5 or so players all had red bar connections. Is that their actual connection or is it suppose to be telling me what MY connection to THEM will be like? my connection always says in the green but does this just display green to everyone?

it is annoying, i was able to get fine games earlier but now the lag delays firing. Also i don't get it, even when I was the host I lagged connecting to these people. my broadband connection is fine though. Anyone else always getting problems with lag?

Duke3D runs at the slowest connection in the game. So, if you have an awesome internet connection then have some bugger with a shit connection join, it will go at his speed, not yours.

hammer oz 04-29-2009 05:44 PM

Re: laggy
most of the games i play on lagg like hell i just try to compensate for it
although i live in australia so i expect the games would be pretty laggy for me

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