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Clint Flicker 03-24-2015 11:17 AM

3DRealms vs. Gearbox lawsuit: where are the documents?
In 2009, when the Take2 vs. 3DRealms lawsuit was in progress, someone had posted links to a .gov site where you could download PDF documents that described what was going on. I'm assuming documents for the current lawsuit are available online as well, but I don't have a clue where to start looking for them. Would anyone point me to the right direction?

The Duke Returns 03-24-2015 01:12 PM

Re: 3DRealms vs. Gearbox lawsuit: where are the documents?
Is this what your Looking for?

Clint Flicker 04-02-2015 02:19 PM

Re: 3DRealms vs. Gearbox lawsuit: where are the documents?
Yes, that's what I was looking for. Wasn't anything else released? Is that the latest public update on the case?

The Duke Returns 04-05-2015 11:10 PM

Re: 3DRealms vs. Gearbox lawsuit: where are the documents?
I haven't seen any new news about the case that is the last thing, I think alot of people saw, I wish 3DRealms would gives us an update on it.

Joe Siegler 04-07-2015 01:23 PM

Re: 3DRealms vs. Gearbox lawsuit: where are the documents?

I wish 3DRealms would gives us an update on it.
I don't know any company who would give public updates on an active lawsuit. I'm not involved in this stuff in my current status with 3DR, but logic dictates you won't get any sort of update until it's closed/settled/whatever one way or the other - and even that would assume a seal wouldn't be put on it by a judge.

Bottom line, don't get worked up , I doubt you're gonna get told anything about this.

The Duke Returns 04-07-2015 06:32 PM

Re: 3DRealms vs. Gearbox lawsuit: where are the documents?
Well I hope New 3DRealms wins I got there back

Damien_Azreal 04-08-2015 06:26 AM

Re: 3DRealms vs. Gearbox lawsuit: where are the documents?

Originally Posted by The Duke Returns (Post 965686)
... wish 3DRealms would gives us an update on it.

As Joe said, there's no reason for them to give an update.
The lawsuit is a private legal matter between the two companies listed. One that has no impact on the fans.

Making any developments public would be like airing your dirty laundry. It's not good business.

The Duke Returns 04-08-2015 08:55 AM

Re: 3DRealms vs. Gearbox lawsuit: where are the documents?
he already told me don't need to be tell twice, Also about my dirty laundry proply just throw it out the window if it that dirty:insomnia:

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