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-   -   Alphas/Betas, When will they be released? (https://forums.3drealms.com/vb/showthread.php?t=39106)

Corvin 03-03-2015 12:11 AM

Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
Just wondering when the first set of Alpha/Beta BUILD Games are going to be released?

Joe Siegler 03-03-2015 03:22 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Corvin (Post 965532)
Just wondering when the first set of Alpha/Beta BUILD Games are going to be released?

As was pointed out, the focus is elsewhere at the moment. Gotta keep the thing moving forward. That's not to say it won't happen, just not happening now or soon. Focus is on Bombshell now.

Corvin 03-03-2015 06:43 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
ugh, Alright thanks.

Mblackwell 03-03-2015 09:40 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Lunick Fiore 03-03-2015 10:47 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Joe Siegler (Post 965534)
As was pointed out, the focus is elsewhere at the moment. Gotta keep the thing moving forward. That's not to say it won't happen, just not happening now or soon. Focus is on Bombshell now.

What about Part Two of the design tips from Tom Hall? https://3drealms.com/news/3d-realms-...m-hall-part-1/

That can't be as much effort as the prototype 3D Realms material surely?

Joe Siegler 03-04-2015 12:10 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Lunick Fiore (Post 965537)
What about Part Two of the design tips from Tom Hall? https://3drealms.com/news/3d-realms-...m-hall-part-1/

That can't be as much effort as the prototype 3D Realms material surely?

There's actually four parts to that. I'll mention it, but probably not for a little bit as Bombshell info just dropped two days ago.

Corvin 03-07-2015 12:42 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
@MBlackwell; is 3DR still using that phrase "W.I.D." or have they finally dropped it?

Mikko_P 03-12-2015 12:27 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Joe Siegler (Post 965534)
That's not to say it won't happen, just not happening now or soon.

Joe, I have a question for you. What does that mean?

I didn't quite understand it.

Damien_Azreal 03-12-2015 08:01 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
He's saying they are still panning on the releases... but, Bombshell is the priority for them right now.
Nothing will be released until after Bombshell is either far enough along in development so the releases won't affect it, or until after it's completely released.

Mikko_P 03-13-2015 08:55 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
Thank you.

Clint Flicker 03-24-2015 08:47 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
Does this have anything to do with the still ongoing lawsuit with Gearbox?

The Duke Returns 03-24-2015 09:03 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
Fred posted an update on duke4 couple of days ago about that

Frederik Schreiber

Interceptor CEO

953 Add as Friend PM this member
Posted 14 March 2015 - 08:21 AM
Hi Guys.

A small update on 3D Realms Betas.
We've been knee-deep in the Bombshell Re-Reveal the past 4-6 months.
We revealed the first gameplay last week.

We're aiming to drastically increase the activity of 3DR Articles, Beta Releases, etc. the next couple of months.
1 +-

link http://forums.3drealms.com/vb/showth...602#post965602

Crosma 03-29-2015 02:56 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
If 3D Realms released an anthology with loads of pre-release stuff then I'd need to change my pants.

Mikko_P 03-30-2015 10:45 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
I wonder if those Alphas/Betas will be released, like Lameduke was in 1997 to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Duke Nukem 3D's shareware release?

Mikko_P 10-24-2015 09:48 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
This one right here looks interesting to me


MrBlackCat 10-24-2015 01:07 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Mikko_P (Post 966720)
This one right here looks interesting to me


I enjoyed that video... all those differences are so interesting. I can imagine how difficult it must be to get locked down on a given art/theme direction after the tech is about ready.


Mikko_P 10-24-2015 01:22 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by MrBlackCat (Post 966723)
I enjoyed that video... all those differences are so interesting. I can imagine how difficult it must be to get locked down on a given art/theme direction after the tech is about ready.


I agree with you, i enjoyed that video too ;)

MrBlackCat 10-25-2015 02:06 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
While I have little interest in a PC based isometric shooter, (I like isometrics on the GameBoy Advance platform) I will buy the Build Engine Bombshell when released regardless of format as I really enjoy most any Build engine game.
Actually, I would buy any Build engine game or add-on if they were still actively being produced. I have done my best to obtain and play all of them since Duke Nukem 3D was released.


Mikko_P 10-26-2015 08:24 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
That footage was found as a spoiler in TerminX's post at Duke4.net forums in "Duke3D & SW: Early/Alpha/Beta/Gold material" thread posted by Frederik Schreiber.

Damien_Azreal 10-28-2015 08:34 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
It's not exactly what one could/would call an openly friendly or welcoming community.

Hendricks266 10-28-2015 09:01 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by xbryan2000x (Post 966745)
I don't go to Duke4 much :/
And been over with since a year ago.

I asked help about HUD on my canned project but received horrible responds :doh:

I'll quote myself, Bryan.


New members who happen to be shitty often perceive hostility due to being shitty as hostility due to being new.

Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal (Post 966753)
It's not exactly what one could/would call an openly friendly or welcoming community.

We have a low bullshit tolerance.

MrBlackCat 10-29-2015 04:57 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Damien_Azreal (Post 966753)
It's not exactly what one could/would call an openly friendly or welcoming community.

Normally I would agree with you on this, but this particular situation had rather extreme circumstances that basically even caused me some irritation... which takes great effort.

It is my opinion that the Duke4 community was a little too tolerant in this case. For me personally, this ended up reaching outside the forum world and into "IRL". This is a "not cool" situation for me.

Not trying to be a pee pee head, just saying this is not a typical case even for Duke4.

It is way sad how it all went with the Alpha/Beta rights... few saw it coming, kind of like the Duke Nukem Forever situation. Blame really doesn't matter to me much, it just is what happened. Directing of blame isn't going to change anything, so I just chalk it up as another bad day for Duke Nukem fans.

On a positive note... at least a few people outside of the original 3D Realms crew got to see what might have been. That must have been really cool. I am happy for them. :)


Robman 11-02-2015 01:35 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Hendricks266 (Post 966754)
We have a low bullshit tolerance.

Let's keep the language clean here.

Hendricks266 11-02-2015 11:24 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Robman (Post 966775)
Let's keep the language clean here.


Originally Posted by TerminX (Post 966674)

Mikko_P 11-11-2015 10:19 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by MrBlackCat (Post 966762)
It is way sad how it all went with the Alpha/Beta rights...

I wonder what did this one mean?

MrBlackCat 11-11-2015 06:37 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Mikko_P (Post 966856)
I wonder what did this one mean?

I just meant that GearBox now has all the rights to Duke Nukem it would seem... release of the Duke Nukem Alpha/Beta material is no longer the choice of 3D Realms as I understand it. Of course there is other stuff that can be released still of interest.


Mikko_P 11-12-2015 11:32 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
OK, so if releasing Alpha/Beta material of Duke Nukem 3D is no longer the choice of 3D Realms.

Has the release of Duke3D's Alpha/Beta material something to do with GearBox owning all the rights to Duke Nukem franchise?

MrBlackCat 11-12-2015 06:48 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?

Originally Posted by Mikko_P (Post 966861)
OK, so if releasing Alpha/Beta material of Duke Nukem 3D is no longer the choice of 3D Realms.

Has the release of Duke3D's Alpha/Beta material something to do with GearBox owning all the rights to Duke Nukem franchise?

Yes... everything to do with it.

Here is an article about it... Here

Here are some posts from Duke4 that confirm some of the effects of the lawsuit... You could read the thread, but it is long and full of speculation. These are vague, but facts and should provide enough information to get the idea of what happened. Of course the terms are not public.

Post 1 (TerminX)
Post 2 (Fredrick Schreiber)
Post 3 (Fredrick Schreiber)
Post 4 (TerminX)


Mikko_P 11-15-2015 10:58 AM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
Oh yes, thanks. I've been reading that article about the ownership and those posts before.

Btw, I didn't quite understand what Fred meant by this.


MrBlackCat 11-15-2015 06:53 PM

Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
I have speculated about that also... this is ONLY my opinion, "The promise is still there..." I am guessing 3D Realms discussed with Gearbox the possibility of still releasing the Alpha/Beta material and maybe GearBox indicated in some way they would. "we are no longer the owners of that promise" still indicates someone (GearBox) in some way suggested the Alpha/Beta material could be released. Beyond that, I have not speculated as to else this might mean.

For example, the Duke Nukem Forever History book and the Deluxe Edition guide extra material was interesting, but not extremely fulfilling to real Forum Dwellers, in my opinion. The "real" nuts and bolts history (relative to Duke 3D and other Duke projects) is what I think most were looking for, and what most were expecting from the Duke Nukem Alpha/Beta material.

This most likely will end the possibility of the other Duke Nukem console material and possibly ports that MIGHT have been a possibility before.

Series of unfortunate events for Duke Nukem fans for sure.

As the "enjoy-er" of probably one of the top five most comprehensive Duke Nukem game/merchandise collections in the world, events like this do put a damper on mood sometimes. While I enjoy the memories and nostalgia of Duke Nukem I, II, 3D, and every other Duke Nukem game on every platform, the patient wait for making new memories with this franchise seems to be slipping away more and more. Not the end of the world, or my world, but it is certainly a loss as my game room is dominantly themed Duke Nukem.



Originally Posted by Mikko_P (Post 966866)
Oh yes, thanks. I've been reading that article about the ownership and those posts before.

Btw, I didn't quite understand what Fred meant by this.


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