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-   -   Is SW getting the Polymer/HRP makeover, too? (https://forums.3drealms.com/vb/showthread.php?t=36503)

8IronBob 09-28-2009 02:30 PM

Is SW getting the Polymer/HRP makeover, too?
Now that I'm amazed with what these did for Duke 3D through EDuke32 modding, I have Polymer, HRP, and DukePlus activated there. I'm wondering if it's Shadow Warrior's turn to get this makeover or not. I mean, the code and texturing techniques can't be THAT much different. At least something like this may pump new life into the game, I have a hunch. What'chu think about it?

ProAsm 10-06-2009 12:01 AM

Re: Is SW getting the Polymer/HRP makeover, too?

I mean, the code and texturing techniques can't be THAT much different.
Believe you me... it is :)

Polymer, HRP, and DukePlus
Polymer... who knows, I will need to do much negotiating here :)
DukePlus equivalent... I doubt it as that requires enhanced con coding and SW does not have con coding at all, let alone enhanced and adding it is just not a proposition at this stage.

Feared 10-10-2009 04:00 AM

Re: Is SW getting the Polymer/HRP makeover, too?

If you want a proper port it probably be best just to remake the game on Quake 1 Scratch.

Another Duke Fan 10-10-2009 07:36 AM

Re: Is SW getting the Polymer/HRP makeover, too?

Originally Posted by Feared (Post 899249)

If you want a proper port it probably be best just to remake the game on Quake 1 Scratch.

Brilliant idea. Good luck with that.

Feared 10-10-2009 02:12 PM

Re: Is SW getting the Polymer/HRP makeover, too?

Originally Posted by Another Duke Fan (Post 899258)
Brilliant idea. Good luck with that.

I wasn't saying I was going to do it, I'm to busy at the moment. :D

smoke.tetsu 04-01-2011 02:18 PM

Re: Is SW getting the Polymer/HRP makeover, too?
Polymer Shadow Warrior would be sweet but I figured they'd want to wait until it's finished with eDuke32 before doing a SW port with it. Even the eDuke32 version is very incomplete at the moment.

Hendricks266 04-24-2011 01:33 PM

Re: Is SW getting the Polymer/HRP makeover, too?
Shadow Warrior on the EDuke32 engine (eg. with Polymer)

I'm now running the SWHRP, so any Polymer submissions would be welcomed.

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