Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Originally Posted by Sketch
If this has already been posted then my apologies, I just thought it would be nice to have a new discussion point. Anyway, in my opinion, playing Duke is also being Duke - kicking ass and not carrying enough bubblegum, that said the hardest difficulty in DNF would probably take away from that, forcing you to hide to take less damage, and all the other connatations that follow. So, would this difficulty take away some of the essence of Duke? He would never hide behind walls, he'd be breakin' balls! IMO it'd be fine, but not for the first playthrough, I think all the one liners would have less impact if you're limping around with 1 health.
Oh and I know the thread title sounds silly, but couldn't think of anything else.
It should be just like Duke3D. Same difficulty settings. You had to hide behind walls in Duke3D too. If you didn't you were cheating or playing on easy. If a pig cop shoots at you, you dive behind a wall and pop back out and shoot him.
RAWR! I'm in the Duketard Guild, because I am a lvl 70 bad ass. "Eat shit and die!"