GodBlitZor, 3830 - Naughty is the whole thing, aka billboard, light, etc. Instead of looking like this:
It should look like the attachment below with the Naughty sign instead of the Innocent? sign, but the transparent areas and gradients should be turned white.
I'll just use the 1211 - Innocent? Model with the updated skin.
Ras and Mr.Fibbles, I need a (good quality) christmas tree that has white or multi-colored lights on it with a transparent background so I can add it to the layers in the picture and export it.
P.S. Here's some updated UnDEF code.
// tiles005.art
undefmodelrange 1280 1292
undefmodelrange 1013 1021
undefmodelrange 1032 1034
undeftexturerange 1280 1292
undeftexturerange 1013 1021
undeftexturerange 1032 1034