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Old 12-06-2015, 08:41 PM   #53
Super Moderator

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Re: Gearbox now owns all rights to Duke Nukem
Time has little to do with it in reality.
Just because a deal was struck, and they know what the details are... doesn't mean they are at liberty to discuss them.

It may be frustrating, but they simply can not post whatever they want on the forums.

And, you are also overlooking how frustrating it can be fore the people at 3DR. They have the answers, they know the details. And there are times they would love to share those answers.
But legally, a lot of the time, they can't.

You may be interested because you are a fan, and I do understand that side of things. But, there are countless loops they have to jump through to tell fans the tiniest detail.

It's why developers hire Community Managers and don't normally talk directly with the community. The Community Manager is informed of what they can discuss, the details they are allowed to talk about...
And, as TX has said, there are NDA's that were signed and things they simply can not discuss.
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