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Old 11-15-2015, 06:53 PM   #30

MrBlackCat's Avatar
Re: Alphas/Betas, When will they be released?
I have speculated about that also... this is ONLY my opinion, "The promise is still there..." I am guessing 3D Realms discussed with Gearbox the possibility of still releasing the Alpha/Beta material and maybe GearBox indicated in some way they would. "we are no longer the owners of that promise" still indicates someone (GearBox) in some way suggested the Alpha/Beta material could be released. Beyond that, I have not speculated as to else this might mean.

For example, the Duke Nukem Forever History book and the Deluxe Edition guide extra material was interesting, but not extremely fulfilling to real Forum Dwellers, in my opinion. The "real" nuts and bolts history (relative to Duke 3D and other Duke projects) is what I think most were looking for, and what most were expecting from the Duke Nukem Alpha/Beta material.

This most likely will end the possibility of the other Duke Nukem console material and possibly ports that MIGHT have been a possibility before.

Series of unfortunate events for Duke Nukem fans for sure.

As the "enjoy-er" of probably one of the top five most comprehensive Duke Nukem game/merchandise collections in the world, events like this do put a damper on mood sometimes. While I enjoy the memories and nostalgia of Duke Nukem I, II, 3D, and every other Duke Nukem game on every platform, the patient wait for making new memories with this franchise seems to be slipping away more and more. Not the end of the world, or my world, but it is certainly a loss as my game room is dominantly themed Duke Nukem.


Originally Posted by Mikko_P View Post
Oh yes, thanks. I've been reading that article about the ownership and those posts before.

Btw, I didn't quite understand what Fred meant by this.

YES! I do wear my Duke Xtreme t-shirt every day!* :)

*(Not really, sometimes I wear my Time to Kill t-shirt... like while I am washing my other Duke shirts for instance.)
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