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Old 01-30-2013, 05:32 AM   #5

MagusElOscuro's Avatar
Re: JBailey,The Tiles I want to add for my maps.
1.24 is the latest? I've got that version. And if it's not the main Editor I use, it's for the lack of help menu; which makes the map building an impossible task. OK, you can make the map, but what if you can't make it work (Switches, Touchplates, Moving Walls/Pillars, Robots/Spinblades/Firejets' paths, etc)? I can't understand why such an awesome Editor like this (look at the 3D window for see the map you're making. There's not another Editor with a feature like this!), has not help menu....
And the source code, I repeat, or it's not included, or I can't find any of the Editors I've got (ROTTMD...until it need a PIN, ROTTed and ROTT3Deditor 1.24).
By the way, time ago I downloaded in that site the ROTT multitool, but I still cannot understand how it works. "view SFX...convert sprite to PCX"..what's thiiiis?? I think the only one thing I'm gonna get is to ruin Darkwar WAD and **** up the file and the game...
Thanks for the help.

Is Doombuilder (or Doombuilder2) valid for importing that artwork as WAD?
Last edited by MagusElOscuro; 01-30-2013 at 05:59 AM.
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