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Old 03-01-2008, 12:35 PM   #80
Tea Monster

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Re: Duke Nukem 3D Modelling Project part 4
I've got to agree with Roma and GT.

I don't mind helping newbs - that is how I got my start. We have always shared info and knowledge on 'the craft'. I'll show someone where they have gone wrong and how to put it right. Doing stuff for people though is counter-productive for everyone - and yes, its a pain in the ass.

The worst thing that can happen (and its happened to me here) is that people can get too used to you doing things for them and then start taking advantage of you. Now THAT sucks!

All us modellers were in a similar position and we had to go out and learn how to do this stuff. Its not as if its some great dark unnamed secret on how to UV Map or texture. This is the 21st Century and there is something called Google. It's my opinion that if you start down the path, you walk the road as far as you can. If you find something you can't do, then you find out how. I'm still learning all this stuff myself (I'm learning lighting and rendering at the moment) and I don't send my meshes off to someone else to do parts of them, I look up what I don't know and get it into my head.
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