Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Max Payne is all about an adult way of unfolding the story of a game. Definatly not holding my breath the way the market is heading, but I do hold on to that 1% of hope.
And im not saying a lot of games had an adult way about them erlier years either, but back then there was atleast room for it. Now a days it seems impossible to produce an AAA-game with even a tiny sense of style. Suppose games like uncharted is the exceptions, but thats because a game like that is trying to be a fast paced action movie anyway, so you´ll catch the whole crowd with the formula anyway.
Im not all old and grumpy though; im starting to look forward to the next phase of gaming, because I think there will once again be room for artistic focus and attention to detail in the future. I just seriously doubt Max Payne 3 will even try to go for it.
As a previous owner of member number 404, I obviously dont know what the hell Im talking about.
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