Re: Take Two Sues 3D Realms :O
Look, people have to be reasonable. I'm a big Duke and 3DR fan myself. But the big 800 pound gorrilla in the room is...12 years. It shouldnt of taken 12 years as we all know. Forget so called perfection. Sometimes you have to go with what you got, despite "non perfection", to get a game out in a reasonable time. 12 years is nowhere near reasonable.
If "perfection" trumped "reasonable time period for release", then Duke Nukem 3D would not of been released in 1996, with oncoming technology of 3D models that was already known about (later released with Quake). 3DR would of waited then. Hell, 3DR would not of released DN3D in DOS, knowing that windows was going to be the new operating system that would kill DOS. But In 1996, GB was being reasonable.