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Old 09-01-2010, 07:41 AM   #8

ferran275's Avatar
Re: Specs needed to run DNF
Originally Posted by alex d View Post
There's a choice of two things to do:

1) Wait until the game's actually in the open like Steve said and put a machine together based on the firm, hard, factual specs released by whoever's making it.

2) Have some common sense, look at what the average high-end game requires right now and spec above that.

If you buy a shit hot computer now then chances are it'll be more than enough for DNF if it's really relatively near release. Ya know, a £100+ DX11 card, atleast 4gb of ram and a Core i5 or i7 should boat along nicely on virtually anything.

If you spec for low-end or mid-range then you're obviously running the risk of only being able to run it with the graphical settings turned down to low.
Yeah, I guess I'll just wait, my system is 'ok' now, I can run Fallout 3 at almost highest settings with no lag at all, but anything newer starts to slow down. GTA IV and Mafia II being the biggest examples, I can hardly run GTA and can't run Mafia II at all, well... I CAN but its awful I'll just need to upgrade the whole thing, I'm only running dual cores at 2.40 GHz, and my card is a nvidia 7800 with only 2 GB of RAM. Time to start saving pennies!
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