Thread: Balls of Steel?
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Old 10-27-2014, 01:07 PM   #8
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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Re: Balls of Steel?
Originally Posted by AXE View Post
I'm guessing its because its a windows game (everything in the anthology is from the DOS days) but I agree, it would have been nice to have.
That has nothing to do with it. The game has some problems and doesn't run right on the current version of Windows. That is why it wasn't there. The hope is it can get worked out, and BoS will get added into the pack at some future time. No solid news beyond that.

If you remember, the last version of BoS included a user patch, because the original programmers didn't want to (or couldn't - I honestly don't remember now) fix it. There was a USER PATCH made available that let it run in what was then the current version of Windows (I think Windows 98?, not sure on timing now).

Either way it was not included for technical reasons. Nothing to do with DOS/Windows.
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

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