Re: How hard should hard be in DNF?
Interesting idea is to allow a new enemy unit for every harder difficulty. Such as:
World defender = All regular enemies do regular damage and have regular health
Bring it on = All enemies do more damage and have more health + 1 new enemy
Tempered but ready = All enemies do even more damage and have a lot more health + 2 new enemies + 1 new mini boss
Time to kill = All enemies do an insane amount of damage and take a hell of a lot of bullets to kill + 4 new enemies + 2 new mini bosses
Gives you a incentive to play every difficulty.
"Ever since I was a little boy, dressing up has always greatest joy. But when It's time to be discreet, there is one thing you just can't beat and that's a strapless backless classical little black dress"