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Old 04-12-2011, 08:21 PM   #50

dan2091's Avatar
Re: Max Payne 3 delayed again?
Come on! It would've been nice if Gibbs was hired back, but if they have decided to use the voice actor as Max's model, who is a real life actor as well, then it's cool.

Originally Posted by bulldozer View Post
la noire seems like a pretty story-driven game, it may convince you azreal that rockstar is as qualified as remedy to tell a story in a game.
Yes, some games turn out to be terrible, despite looking good on trailer, like Alone in the Dark. So yeah. Yeah.. well, That's a Team Bondi developed game, anyway. Rockstar is publishing it, only. So there's chance that Rockstar put zero input on L.A. Noire story, I don't know really. That doesn't mean that the Max Payne 3 story has to suck, anyway. I hope it works out.
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