No I don't see how that is a stretch. Why would you say that is a stretch?
Originally Posted by KareBear
They also forgot to mention the Bombshell game 3drealms had in development around the time of Duke Nukem 3d and Prey.
I wouldn't consider that a mistake at all really. It is just a matter of emphasis/focus, you can only mention so many things is such short episodes. There are lots of projects they didn't mention DNMP, Blood and all the other Build games they had going around the time of Duke3D which they ended up either canceling or selling of or DNF the side scroller for example. These are deliberate omissions due to time, importance, etc. There is little doubt that the 6 most significant releases in 3DR/Apogee history as far as things like commercial and critical success as well impact on the history of the company were Wolf3D, ROTT, Terminal Velocity, Duke3D, Max Payne and Prey.