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Old 03-18-2009, 07:21 AM   #1
Boo Boo Juice

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Error: 80070017 when trying to download Duke3D
Well, my xbox broke recently and the harddrive broke along with the console. I got a new one recently and I am now trying to redownload duke, but it keeps giving me this error: 80070017.

My question is this, I am curious if Duke Nukem 3D has been banned in Korea or something. I tried a search, but got no information

I am having the same problem with Doom.

I am assuming that the game has been banned (Doom as well) -_- Guess I'll have to go to a friends house to grab it when I go back to the States in august.
Xbox Live!: HappyPencil455
PSN: HappyPencil
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