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Old 10-25-2009, 01:03 AM   #12

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Re: Make my school in SWBuild
Originally Posted by Rellik66 View Post
Trust me, if you are still enrolled, anyone in the school administration who catches wind of this, you will be facing a long road of counseling, therapy, and potential expulsion. If you aren't enrolled, then you could even face criminal charges. Hell, I have seen kids get in trouble for doing a Google search for gun shot sounds on the school computers.
On school computer doing that stuff, yeah, I agree that it's just bloody stupid and expulsion is a factor. On your OWN laptop and not using the schools wireless, do what you want. You're not doing anything illegal, screw 'em. They also cannot search or demand the laptop over.

Just to recap
School computer: Risk getting your ass kicked. Just don't do it
YOUR computer: Tell them to F off and mind their own business. What you're doing isn't illegal.
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