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Old 08-10-2010, 10:28 AM   #1

Wheatley's Avatar
Smile Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Stylized gloves for CSS!
You may know that I am a HUGE fan of Duke Nukem, I am also a fan of Counter Strike and VALVe games, so I fired up Photoshop, and started work on some Duke Nukem Style gloves. I found that the Black leather gloves where a bit hard to do, so I looked at some pictures of Duke's 2001 gloves. I gave the bland looking gloves a makeover! Here are some pictures:

You can download the gloves off, I may aswell make some other Duke Gloves or sprays later.

I do not own the Duke Nukem franchise, neither do I own Valve Software or Counterstrike. This is a tribute to Duke Nukem and 3D realms (Also VALVe).
"AAAAAA? No, that's not it. AAAAAC? Wait, did I do B? Have you got a pen? Start writing these down!"
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