Re: A few doubts about gas traps in ROTT maps
Yeah, I've been reading massive complaints of people about Windows 7, but hey, at least you have Framework 3.5 without having to install it. The registration of ROTTMapperDeluxe did work for me FOR SURE, if not I would have driven mad to build such monster maps without having the chance to be informed about the errors which make the map ruin. At the moment, I've built the whole Episode1 (except the L8), and the two first levels of Episode 2.
And the adding of ROTT custom tiles is extremely easy with the "use external GFx" option of WinROTT. I must tell I have changed more than five floor tiles and alot of walls. It's, I repeat, extremely easy. And without modifying the WAD file (which would be a nightmare for me). I think there are more custom walls in the folder of my external gfx than original, if I'm not wrong. But I'd leave the light walls, isn't the same without them. The modified stuff works nicely and without crashes.
Last edited by MagusElOscuro; 07-09-2014 at 12:18 PM.