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Old 07-24-2015, 02:39 PM   #1
Joe Siegler
3D Realms Staff

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3D Realms at Quakecon
Quakecon 2015 is in full swing, and 3D Realms is out in force showing off Bombshell, which is playable on the show floor! If you haven't made it out to Quakecon to check it out, then you should. Here's a couple of videos that we released. The first is a 10 minute trailer showing a ton of gameplay footage. You can view that below.

The other is a video giving you a tour of the Bombshell booth! It isn't on Youtube, but can be viewed on our Facebook page.

Come on down! Check us out at Quakecon!

10+ Min Gameplay Trailer:
Booth Tour:
Apogee / 3D Realms Employee: Dec 14, 1992 - May 22, 2009, Oct 23, 2014 - current

"Lifting up the Cross to the waiting lost" - Petra | John 3:16
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