Re: Gearbox now owns all rights to Duke Nukem
It's not that easy.
They can't simply post and be done, everything they post has to be carefully worded. Specially when it includes deals, contracts and/or settlements with other studios.
Posting the wrong thing could not only release information early, but could also possibly cause tension or problems with a studio they may hope to partner with down the road. 3DR may have something they want to say on the matter, but it could be something they have to wait before they can do so.
And, it's an open forum. I responded simply because I wanted to contribute to the discussion. Me working for or not working for 3DR has no implication in the matter.
Also, I referenced Blood not for the IP (which I'm well aware of, I also know who has the source code... and the legal reasons it cannot be released) but to use it as an example of how love for the game does not equal love or interest for pre-release builds.
Monolith Fanboy since 1997
Upcoming Anticipated Games: Doom, Shadow Warrior 2, Mafia III, DisHonored 2, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided