Re: All your history are belong to us, the rise and fall of apogee/3Drealms
While this is much more accurate than 90% of the stuff written on 3DR there are a few blunders, such as the claim that 3DR published Max Payne and the IP sale being portrayed as Remedy cutting 3DR off or Shadow Warrior and Balls Of Steel being their last internal titles. First of all Balls Of Steel was not internal, on the other hand both Duke3D XBLA and DNMP XBLA were internally developed titles. As you guys all know 3DR "produced"(Meaning providing funding, as well as significant marketing and design guidance) Max Payne with Rockstar/Take Two publishing it. Everything earned on Max Payne was shared 50/50 between Remedy and 3DR, including the proceeds of the IP sale.
I highly doubt that these guys have any inside knowledge or that the game will be unveiled via this series.