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Old 10-03-2008, 11:49 AM   #19

Sys_Config's Avatar
Re: Dopefish Found in Advanced Alien Blueprints!
Hi ironsides, that was too funny. I know I am in the right place with the right people.
I agree with you 101 percent! The holdouts for its a real gov document and diagram, did not want to touch this doctored part. Poor Alienware was suspected of "stealing: the letters, although our its a hoax group showed the photos were cgi doctored as well.
I demonstrated only that the lettering went back eons..and that what we had was a mish mash of old stuff readily seen on the market, boing boing and fringeware style.
the diagrams proportion have been estimated at roughly 10 x 13 ft., photographed and then scanned.

Thats why I posted nine months ago here.
Only a group with your critical eyes, not to mention equipment, and historical knowledge many of the older games..
would be able to make short shrift of it.
this the colorized version, where i dabbled and came across those "anomalies" by alternating the hues..

The Pro Real are people with financing behind them, which we just normal forum dwellers dont have, and they actually still pushing this as real on the public.

Bringing it here..I wanted to even out the odds a little.
Because you are the best. Thats right, only group like this can tackle this and have no axe to grind..thats as real as you can get..
You might see colorful characters from other games back in the dayz..maybe even the artists signature..these had tremendous egos..
Yes I know the thing is BS..and I know
You don't like BS.
But this would nail the whole package down others dont fall for this.
Thats the important part for me personally, Thats the only stake I have in this.

If you choose to look at it..remember its a 45 meg pic..and will quickly absorb resources.
different sections were done it different resolutions
Around the smallest letters on outside of nodes, certain parts had characters embossed around the letters, but only you can differentiate, between a character or a a pixel artifact.

So..whatever you find..Will help wrap this up wheteher its a dopefish or a puff the magic dragon.

Regards to all


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