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Old 06-02-2015, 04:26 PM   #4

twelvepaws's Avatar
Re: Paganitzu 2 Room 16
This is amazing! I didn't know about this tech support site, mainly because I hadn't explored enough. I come around when I play the old Apogee games, which isn't too often, with all the new games available today. I really wish Apogee could continue making games in the old tradition, updated for today's PC's and other gaming media, but I understand the economics behind the lack of new games.

I can't wait to go try out the "Secret." I'm wondering how many more secrets there are that I didn't know about...will have to explore some more. Thanks so much, Frenkel and Joe!
Rest in peace Paloma, my sweet little Tortoiseshell, with your gold mask that spread over your eyes and down your nose. It formed a perfect replica of a dove.

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