I'm not responding to Ken B.
I'm talking about fixing a HRP problem.
Originally Posted by DeeperThought
HRP bug -- If you pause the game and then unpause it, dead Enforcers (LIZMAN) will display their death animation again.
The solution for this long known
problem had been available long time ago. Solution: that never happens to a new beast because he have already a single frame for dead body. But the other monsters need such a
frame too.
model "highres/sprites/monsters/4610_newbeast.md3" {
anim { frame0 "4681_start" frame1 "4681_end" fps 20 flags 1 }
frame { name "4681_start" tile0 4681 tile1 4689 }
frame { name "4689" tile 4689 } // dead body
model "highres/sprites/monsters/2000_pigcop.md3" {
anim { frame0 "DIE2" frame1 "DIE3" fps 20 flags 1 }
frame { name "DIE2" tile0 2056 tile1 2060 }
frame { name "DIE3" tile 2060 } // dead body